Friday, 18 May 2018

Three Eggs in Creatures Village

Three eggs waiting to be hatched
The official manual for Creatures Village, available through, says in its walkthrough that you can choose any one of three eggs to start your game, however only two are provided when you start up a new world.  This was drawn to my attention by a recent help topic in the forums.

The most comprehensive way of getting more eggs and norns in Creatures Village is to install Grendel Man's CV Population Update, which gives four eggs at startup and allows you to keep 8 norns, and changes the genetics of the creatures to improve their memory.

If you'd just rather recover the three eggs ability, download this file and put it in your C drive > GOG Games > Creatures Village > Bootstrap > 001 Main folder - it will replace a file in there, restoring the 3 eggs ability.

To see results, start a new world.

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